Sunday, January 26, 2020

Inequalities In Workplace Due To Gender Sociology Essay

Inequalities In Workplace Due To Gender Sociology Essay The nature of inequalities between men and women dates back to the sociologist view of Emile Durkheim, and the idea of social facts and the essence of an individuals ability to act independently of the obstacles that deter from their personal right of achieving social equality (Ferrante 5). As Durkheim lay the groundwork for gender inequalities in society, the inequalities in leadership roles in the workplace are also in turn modeled by a societys hierarchical structure or choice of social agency. Furthermore, the patriarchal social structure in the workforce in which women are seen as inferior is perpetuated by the collective social belief of female inferiority and a male dominance of power, as created by a mutual interaction between men and women. Since the womens rights movement, the presence of women in the workforce has been increasing greatly, but discrimination and inequality in earnings is still prevalent in leadership positions. The nature of gender inequalities in society h ave laid the foundation for a structured system of inequality in the workforce while simultaneously reinforcing the social construct of male dominance and the psychological belief of self inferiority in females. The nature of gender inequalities in leadership positions can be partially attributed to the viewpoint of Emile Durkheim in relation to social facts and the effect of a social structure that invests most power in males. Werner J. Cahnman and Joseph Maiers article on sociologist, Emile Durkheim, in the Encyclopaedia Judaica, highlights Durkheims inquiries on social inequalities that are still prevalent today. Durkheims legacy was partially created by the connection he made between a social fact and its affect on societal structures, such as occupational status. According to Durkheim, because society is above man and penetrates man [at the same time], it is ultimately the only thing that has the power to [. . .] submit them to rules of conduct, to privations, and to the kind of sacrifice without which society would be impossible (Cahnman and Maier 63). Durkheim suggests that the individual of society experiences an indirect dependence by focusing his attention on everything essential t o the maintenance of society: its principle norms, values, institutions, its sacred symbols, and as a result, they are subject to obey the popular belief of a hierarchical structure. This in turn leads to a distinct gender inequality between men and women (Cahnman and Maier 63). The opposing force of an authoritative societal structure is agency. According to writers Terri Apter and Elizabeth Garnsey of the Womens Studies International Forum, the sociological debate of structure and agency emphasizes the individuals capacity to act independently of structural constraints (20). Whereas Durkheim suggested that society maintains stability and structure through the individuals submission to structure, agency advocates for the individual to be an active participant in society and face the constraints of society head on. As women are constantly perceived as inadequate active citizens in their society, they have learned to internalize the social constraints and reinforce the perception of females in society as the inferior counterpart of males. The nature behind this hierarchical social structure that gives way to gender inequalities in the workforce is partially affected by psychological constraints that women experience through the structural constraints of society. Apter and Garnsey explain that social actions refer to the interactions and mutuality of experiences between the participants of society to formulate a common belief stemming from constructional constraints in society (19). Furthermore, as the belief of male superiority and female inferiority is formulated as a common conception, the womans failure to act independently of social constraints prevents [her] from asserting their rights and successfully challenging the status quo in which [she] has an unequal share (Apter and Garnsey 21). Women have been socialized to accept social constraints, causing an overall lack of agency that is essential to obtaining positions at the top of the hierarchical social structure. Societal gender inequalities were first formulat ed centuries ago, with causes stemming from social constraints working against women as enforced by the male dominance and the females submission to the societys structural hierarchies. The American Psychological Association released the article, Role Congruity Theory of Prejudice Toward Female Leaders in the Psychological Review in July of 2002, to highlight the blatant prejudices toward women in leadership positions, as well as the obstacles women face in their endeavor to reach the top. Researchers Alice H. Eagly and Steven J. Karau state in this article that leadership has been predominantly a male prerogative in corporate, political, military, and other sectors of society and although women have, indeed, gained increased access to supervisory and middle management positions, they continue to remain quite rare as elite leaders and top executives (575). While women have come far from the times before the Womens Rights movement, there is still room for improvement, as societal con straints continue to hinder a womans occupation of a leadership role in the workforce. The causes behind workforce gender inequality is undoubtedly a product of societal constraints that inhibit a womans upward strive to leadership. The belief of male superiority in the workforce is reinforced as the terms of male power rest on the assumption that society is structured to support male interests (Apter and Garnsey 19-20). This belief of male superiority has perpetuated a distinct gender segregation that has been a long acting force in nearly every aspect of a womans life, as prejudice against women causes and continues job segregation at work, while directly and indirectly men maintain that power in the home (Apter and Garnsey 21). Because women often are expected to stay home and help create a family unit, women are viewed as largely powerless when faced with such structures as the educational system and job segregation, which appear in crucial ways to embody male power (Apter and Garnsey 20). As a result, a females worth is often determined by the male population, and the possibility of success is limited. As social constraints block upward mobility, women have become socialized to psychologically limit themselves as a gender in their vocations, allowing the male gender to take on the role of superiority. This is emphasized by Apter and Garnsey in the Womens Studies International Forum suggests that women are seen from this perspective to take a shrewd measure of the cost of success in male terms in a male world and, accordingly, to choose different goals and other means of achieving them (20). This viewpoint suggests that the inequalities in gender are not only enforced by powerful male figures, but also by the female population instead. According to this perspective, if women freed themselves psychologically, if they changed their outlook, they could take action to remedy inequalities (Apter and Garnsey 20). As society has formulated a belief of female inferiority, the possibility in both a woman and mans mind of a woman reaching an elitist position of leadership in the workforce i s seen as completely unattainable. The main reason that perpetuates the job inequalities between men and women in the workforce can be attributed to the blatant discrimination of womens entrance into previously male dominated jobs. The article, Gender Inequality Across Local Wage Hierarchies by Matt L. Huffman explains this gender discrimination and the limitations of female workers. Huffman states that the explanation behind gender inequality jobs include a cultural devaluation of work done by women as well as the fact that hiring discrimination restricting womens access to some jobs inevitably results in occupational crowding that drives down pay in female-dominated jobs (324). Huffman accordingly inquires that another mechanism in perpetuating this inequality is in the ability of powerful groups (such as men) to monopolize the most powerful positions in organizations which can be found in jobs that ensue the highest skill requirements, opportunities for advancement, and/or chances to exercise authority (325). Huffm an furthers his argument by conceptually calling his claim a social closure process in which gender inequality is created and sustained through the allocation of women and men into positions that differ along key pay-related dimensions (325). Huffman argues that societies function to maintain the dominant groups interest by sustaining existing inequalities in workplace through power and rewards (325). This social closure process coincides with the sociological term the glass ceiling effect of which blocks womens social mobility into the upper levels in organizational hierarchies as it explains the constant limitation experienced by women in climbing the ladder of success when in competition with male authoritative figures. Accordingly, studies have shown that within the presence of the glass ceiling effect, increased inequality at high levels of an outcome, such as earnings and authority are often present as well (Huffman 326). The inequalities in the workforce can be best understoo d by the wage discrepancies between equal paying jobs of men and women, primarily in leadership positions. The findings from research in this particular area of study on gender inequalities show that there is a noticeable inconsistency between the earnings of men and women not only in equal job statuses, but primarily in positions of leadership as well. Two sociologists, Steven Sweet and Kimberly Baker, designed two learning modules to increase college students understandings of gender and racial inequalities in their intended vocations. The study supplied students with information and data from the census of that particular year, showing that the gender inequalities do exist in todays society and are extremely prevalent. The data show that women under-earn men in 94.1 percent of the students chosen occupations, in 91.1 percent of all occupations, and in 92.4 percent of upper tier occupations (Sweet and Baker 7). Accordingly, it is only found that within 5.5 percent of the students chosen careers, 8.4 percent of all careers, and 7.1 percent of upper tier careers that men and women make eq ual earnings today in America (Sweet and Baker 7). As shown in these statistics, it is nearly impossible to escape gender inequalities in the workforce throughout America. Furthermore, The Psychological Review shows research that coincides with this phenomenon as they collected an array of statistics pertaining to major leadership roles that consistently show inequality, namely: women constitute 4% of the five highest earning officers in Fortune 500 companies and 0. 4% of the CEOs (Catalyst, 2000); 13% of senators, 14% of congressional representatives, and 10% of state governors (Center for the American Woman and Politics, 2001); and 2% of military officers at the level of brigadier general and rear admiral or higher (U.S. Department of Defense, 1998) (Eagly and Karau 573). As the preceding statistics show, women representation in the elite power jobs is highly limited; despite the fact that the number of women in the workforce has been steadily increasing. According to the New York Times, throughout the 1900s and 2000s, and until this recession, women occupied less than 49 percent of the workforce. However, that percent has now crossed the 50 percent threshold for the first time (Mulligan). Yet despite this achievement, women make only 77.5 cents for every dollar that men earn and to further these facts, statistics show that as the amount of education a woman has increases, the greater the disparity will be that she will have to accommodate for; stating that women in specialty occupations were found to earn just 72.7 percent of what men in the same occupation were earning (Mulligan). Although womens rights have come a long way since the predating times of the Womens Rights Movement, there is still a blatantly obvious discrimination towards women in the workforce, hindering the gender from attaining the success that society has strictly deemed achievable for the male species only.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

One-Sided Relationship Essay

In school there is always one kid that a person will hang out with, although that person does not want to be seen with him. They will only associate with that one person when they have no one else to hang out with or when they need something from them. It is evident through the novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, that in a one-sided relationship there is always one person in a friendship who will unconditionally love the other person and one who will be willing to take advantage of the other. In the novel, Hassan will always do anything for Amir because he is a loyal and true friend. On the other hand, Amir only hangs out with Hassan when no one else wants to play with him. Amir does not notice how unfair his relationship with his best friend is until he brutally watches Hassan get raped in the alley by Assef. Through the actions of Hassan and Amir, it is evident that a one-sided relationship will not work out because there will always be jealousy, lies, and shame to deal with. Evidently, Amir and Hassan’s friendship is unhealthy because Amir is afraid to consider Hassan a true friend. He is afraid to consider Hassan a true friend because he feels shame in being the only Pashtun child playing with a Hazara boy because Hazaras are of a lower class. Amir is struck by the words Assef says to him, â€Å"How can you talk to him, play with him, let him touch you? How can you call him your friend? If idiots like you and your father didn’t take these people in, we’d be rid of them by now† (Hosseini 41). It is at this point that Amir truly considers his relationship with Hassan. He wonders why he only plays with Hassan when no one else is around and why when other kids come over they never include Hassan in any games. This is the point where their relationship begins to struggle because Amir cannot distinguish if Hassan is a friend or a servant to him. Additionally, Amir tests Hassan’s loyalty to prove that he is a true friend to h im. One of the ways in which he tests his loyalty is by asking, â€Å"Would you eat dirt if I told you to?† (54). Out of shame, Amir asks Hassan this question because he wants to see if he would be willing to do anything for him. Amir constantly  looks to test his loyalty with questions like this one because Amir wants Hassan to say no in order to make himself feel better. He feels that if Hassan will not do one thing he asks, then it will make his doubts about his relationship feel better and not as one-sided. It is utterly clear that the boys’ relationship is unhealthy because Amir is always trying to test Hassan’s loyalty because he has developed too much shame in the way he treats Hassan to consider him a true friend. Furthermore, the relationship between Hassan and Amir is unhealthy because Amir has too much jealousy built up. Amir is jealous of Hassan because he has the attributes and talents that he wishes he had instead of his own. Amir is jealous of Hassan because he heard Baba exclaim, â€Å"I see how they push Amir around, take his toys from him, give him a shove here, a whack there. And, you know, he never fights back. Never† (22). Amir was offended when he heard his own father say this because at this moment he knew his father wished he was like Hassan. He learned that his father wished he was more athletic and did not read books all the time. Learning of this made him very jealous of Hassan because he had all of these features and was considered golden in the eyes of Baba. Additionally, Amir resents Hassan because he has always received attention from Baba and was treated like his favorite son. Amir is jealous of Hassan because he got a very thoughtful and loving birthday present: a doctor to fix his hairline lip. Amir does not understand why his father gave such a huge gift to Hassan because he had never received such a loving gift. Amir acknowledges the fact the he normally only receives a toy or little object from Baba and cannot comprehend the fact that his father put so much effort into Hassan’s gift. This makes Amir very jealous of Hassan because he yet again stole the attention from Baba. Overall the relationship of Amir and Hassan is very detrimental because Amir resents Hassan for having many of the things that he wishes he could obtain. Amir wishes he were more athletic and strong so that he could be the golden child in Baba’s eyes. Finally, the one-sided relationship comes to an end due to the fact that it cannot survive when too much hatred and lies have built up. One of the main reasons the relationship between Hassan and Amir failed was the fact that  Amir enabled Hassan to get raped. Before being raped by Assef, Assef blurted, â€Å"You’re nothing more but an ugly pet. Something he can play with when he is bored, something he can kick around when he is angry. Don’t ever fool yourself and think you’re something more† (72). After the rape, these words that were said stuck to both Hassan and to Amir who stood by aimlessly watching him get raped. Both boys knew that if it was the other way around, Hassan would have jumped in and tried to prevent the rape from happening. However, in reality, Amir was the reason their relationship came to an end because he simply just did not have love for Hassan the same way he was loved back. Moreover their relationship could no longer work after t he rape because Amir could not stand to look at Hassan’s face everyday and tell lies about what had happened that day in the alley. Amir tried to deal with this trouble by trying to get Baba to kick Hassan and his father out of his house. For example, Amir stuck his watch and birthday money under Hassan’s mattress so that Baba would get furious and kick them out of his house. However, Amir’s plans always backfired on him, which resulted in him having to live with more lies building up. Their relationship came crashing down hard after the rape because Hassan woke up from his little fantasy and learned how good of a friend Amir was to him. He came to realize that he would always love Amir, and in return it would take years before Amir would love him the way that he did. Overall the relationship of Amir and Hassan came to an end because Hassan’s eyes were opened and they could no longer live with such huge lies in their lives. Due to the fact that there will always be lies, shame, and jealousy to deal with in a relationship, it is obvious that a one-sided relationship will never work out for the best. The relationship of Amir and Hassan never worked out well because Amir was afraid to consider Hassan a true friend. He was only the person who was there for him when he needed it the most and no one else was there to play with. Also the relationship never worked out because Amir built up too much jealousy towards Hassan. Amir could not stand the fact that Hassan was the golden boy in his father’s eyes. He always wanted to be that boy, and came to realize he would never be because Hassan was perfect from his father’s point of view. Ultimately, their relationship came to an end because Amir let Hassan get raped, while he watched it all  happen and took no actions to prevent it. This led to too many lies and too big of a burden for Amir to live with. This caused him to build up hatred, which even tually made Hassan and his father leave his house. Clearly, the relationship could not work out because Amir could not love Hassan for who he was. People need to take this example of Amir and Hassan and apply it to their own lives. They need to realize that they cannot and should not take advantage of a friend or a person because it will result in a failed relationship and hatred will most likely arrive. Thus people need to be more considerate and caring to the people they live and socialize with in their daily lives.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Tried and True Method for Great Argument Essay Topics in Step by Step Detail

The Tried and True Method for Great Argument Essay Topics in Step by Step Detail The Basic Facts of Great Argument Essay Topics Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's essential to at all times be critically considering the world around us. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. Choosing topics for argumentative essays is very important for your general success. Recent argumentative essay topics that are related to society is going to do. Choosing topics can be difficult. Selecting a great topic can be difficult. Picking an emotional topic is also a great idea. Great Argument Essay Topics Fundamentals Explained An important point to take into account when you're going into a debate is the simple fact that the person on the opposing side of the table, or your audience, is going to get something to say against your position. Your readers want to find the entire picture, and that's what you should concentrate on. Facts, finally, will always win out against how folks are feeling at a specific moment. There are a lot of things to debate about but it's not too simple to pick the ideal topic which will be interesting for most students. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Great Argument Essay Topics There are lots of aspects about a sport which can be argued in an essay. You should have skills to compose a great essay. Writing argument essay may be an art in the sense so that it requires thorough understanding of the subject, together with skill. It is an art in the sense that it requires thorough knowledge of the subject, along with skill. The Basics of Great Argument Essay Topics That You Can Benefit From Beginning Immediately The procedure for grading student papers can be a really boring one. The role of assigning an essay to middle school students is to make awareness and permit them to develop writing skills. They should be allowed to pray in school. Going to a debate, students have to contemplate their degree of education to choose an appropriate topic that suits both your requirements and your level. The Chronicles of Great Argument Essay Topics The arguments given to show your point ought to be strong and convincing. Ultimately, you should also have the ability to talk about either side of the argument to provide a rounded essay. It is possible to purchase argument essay topics at reasonable rates. An individual who presents an argument is attempting to convince you of something. Finding the most suitable arguments can help you prove your point and win. Getting in a position to compose a strong argument can help you succeed in society. To write a fantastic argumentative essay the students first must investigate several sides of the argument, which enables them to make an educated stance. Great Argument Essay Topics Options The last price is contingent on the kind of paper, page sum, deadline, and other criteria. If you aren't pleased with your paper, you can secure the entire refund according to our company policy or ask us for corrections. It is crucial to opt for a great topic to be able to compose a fantastic paper. The best method to be a prosperous student is to employ an expert paper writer. Young writers may try simple on-line citation generators which are normally at no cost. Life is much better than it was 50 decades ago. Our crew of essay writers works with any types of academic papers for many decades. The Characteristics of Great Argument Essay Topics An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. Argument essay topics are hard to write on, and numerous students wind up feeling frustrated because of absence of time and material. Argumentative debate topics cover specific problems, problems, phenomenon or subjects you could deliberate. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics as you need opposing points which you can counter to your own points.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

How to Prepare Aqua Regia Acid Solution

Aqua regia is an extremely corrosive mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid, used as an etchant, for some analytical chemistry procedures, and to refine gold. Aqua regia dissolves gold, platinum, and palladium, but not the other noble metals. Heres what you need to know to prepare aqua regia and use it safely.​​ Fast Facts: Aqua Regia Aqua regia is a corrosive acid mixture made by combining nitric acid and hydrochloric acid.The usual ratio of acids is 3 parts hydrochloric acid to 1 part nitric acid.When mixing the acids, it is important to add the nitric acid to the hydrochloric acid and not the other way around.Aqua regia is used to dissolve gold, platinum, and palladium.The acid mixture is unstable, so it is usually prepared in small amounts and used immediately. Reaction to Make Aqua Regia Here is what happens when nitric acid and hydrochloric acid are mixed: HNO3  (aq) 3HCl (aq) → NOCl (g) 2H2O (l) Cl2  (g) Over time, nitrosyl chloride (NOCl) will decompose into chlorine gas and nitric oxide (NO). Nitric acid auto-oxidizes into nitrogen dioxide (NO2): 2NOCl (g) → 2NO (g) Cl2  (g) 2NO (g) O2  (g) → 2NO2(g) Nitric acid (HNO3), hydrochloric acid (HCl), and aqua regia are strong acids. Chlorine (Cl2), nitric oxide (NO), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are toxic. Aqua Regia Safety Aqua regia preparation involves mixing strong acids. The reaction produces heat and evolves poisonous vapors, so its important to follow safety protocols when making and using this solution: Make and use aqua regia solution inside a fume hood, with the sash down as much as is practical to contain the vapors and protect against injury in case of splashing or glassware breakage.Prepare the minimum volume needed for your application.Make sure your glassware is clean. In particular, you dont want any organic contaminants because they can produce a vigorous or violent reaction. Avoid using any glassware that may be contaminated with a chemical containing a C-H bond. Do not use the finished solution on any material containing an organic.Wear safety goggles.Wear a lab coat.Wear gloves.If you get drops of any of the strong acids on your skin, wipe them off immediately and rinse with lots of water. If you spill acid on clothing, remove it immediately. In the  case of inhalation, move immediately to fresh air. Use the eyewash and seek emergency medical attention in case of eye contact. In the  case of ingestion, rinse the mouth with water and do not induce vomiting.Neutralize any spills with sodium bicarbonate or similar compound. Remember, its best to neutralize a  strong acid with a weak base and not a strong base. Prepare Aqua Regia Solution The usual molar ratio between concentrated  hydrochloric acid and concentrated  nitric acid is HCl:HNO3 of 3:1. Keep in mind, concentrated HCl is about 35%, while concentrated HNO3 is about 65%, so the volume ratio is usually 4 parts concentrated hydrochloric acid to 1 part concentrated nitric acid. A typical total final volume for most applications is only 10 milliliters. Its unusual to mix up a large volume of aqua regia.Add the nitric acid to the hydrochloric acid. Do not add hydrochloric to nitric!  The resulting solution with be a fuming red or yellow liquid. It will smell strongly of chlorine (although your fume hood should protect you from this).Dispose of leftover aqua regia by pouring it over a large amount of ice. This mixture may be neutralized with a saturated sodium bicarbonate solution or 10% sodium hydroxide. The neutralized solution may then be safely poured down the drain. The exception is used solution that contains heavy metals. A heavy metal-contaminated sol ution needs to be disposed of according to your local regulations.Once you have prepared aqua regia, it should be used when its fresh. Keep the solution in a cool location. Do not store the solution for an extended length of time because it becomes unstable. Never store stoppered aqua regia because pressure build-up could break the container. Another potent acid solution is called chemical piranha. If aqua regia isnt suitable for your needs, piranha solution may be what you need.